Umpire Clinic in Dorchester, News (Dorchester Baseball)

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Feb 17, 2017 | cluksys | 1129 views
Umpire Clinic in Dorchester
Thank you for your interest in the Dorchester Minor Baseball Umpires Clinic on April 22.   To register, please go to:
- Click near the top, ‘Register for Clinic’
- Select April 22 in Dorchester

- Cost is $30 per person
- 9 am to 3pm (must attend the entire clinic)
- Feel free to bring a lunch or there will be time to purchase lunch at nearby restaurants
- Please bring a notebook and pens, pencil
- Address is at Flight Exec Centre, 2066 Dorchester Road
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact Paul Pettipiece at 519-871-3907 or [email protected].  
Centrefield Sports
Centerfield Sports indoor training complex
Mr. Amish
45060 Thomson Line, Belmont, ON N0L 1B0 519-857-7431 [email protected] FACEBOOK: @mramishcom
Wellington Street Denture Clinic
[email protected]