CALLING ALL UMPIRES!, News (Dorchester Baseball)

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Mar 21, 2023 | Ron Coghlin | 860 views

Baseball Ontario has instituted a new registration system for umpire certification. Whether you are a new or returning umpire please carefully review the Baseball Ontario web page for 2023 umpire certification.  


There is a section that asks for association, here is where you find Dorchester Minor Baseball. And then you need to click the button that says +Join. This is the only way you will be added to our list and we'll be able to track you.  

You may also be asked to sign-up for the Umpire Development Clinic (scroll to the bottom of the page and click on events). We are hosting one at the Dorchester Arena on April 15th. If you aren't asked to sign-up for the Dorchester clinic or can't find it, don't worry. We are monitoring the registration and creating a sign-up list.


Baseball Ontario does not collect the umpire registration fees - that is done by the association, in this case DMBA. Payment will be done at the live clinic or you can e-transfer the fee for your level to [email protected]. Please make sure to add your name in the comments section and the level you will be in 2023.


  • If you are a family of two umpires, we suggest that your umpires each use an individual email addresses to access the OnDeck.
  • If you are a new umpire, please start by creating a profile with OnDeck. You will begin as 1.1 umpire.
  • Association - ensure that you profile identifies Dorchester Minor Baseball as your association - that's the only way we can track you!
  • For umpires who have not yet reached their 13th birthday, there is a known glitch in the system. Please enter your proper month and date of birth with the year 1924 (which is the last year in the drop down list). That will allow your profile to be created. An email will be sent out to the  address associated with the account when the capability to enter the correct birth year is enabled.

For more information on umpiring for the 2023 season visit the Baseball Ontario site - Umpires

If you are experiencing any issues, please reach out to Ron Coghlin ([email protected]) and I will try to help you troubleshoot the problem.


The Dorchester Clinic being held on April 15 is now available for registration through the Baseball Ontario OnDeck app.

Wellington Street Denture Clinic
[email protected]
Mr. Amish
45060 Thomson Line, Belmont, ON N0L 1B0 519-857-7431 [email protected] FACEBOOK: @mramishcom