Please consider joining our Executive Commitee, News (Dorchester Baseball)

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Oct 03, 2024 | Melissa Smith | 957 views
Please consider joining our Executive Commitee
Dorchester minor baseball association is looking for some additional members for our executive.

Meetings are conducted on a monthly basis and are virtual to make it easier to fit into everyone's busy schedules. We are currently seeking a house league coordinator as well as a tournament director. As a thank you for your dedication to the association, executive members in these positions will receive one complimentary registration for the 2025 season. Please reach out to [email protected] if either of these positions are of interest to you 

House League Coordinator 
-league representative for all house league teams (EBBA and local Thamesford/Thorndale/Dorchester league) on behalf of DMBA-attend all executive meetings
-lead all scheduling activities for the house league division-liaise with HL head coaches on all matters
-ensure teams are selected equitably-communicate rosters to LDBA/OBA as required
-ongoing monitoring of HL program throughout the summer, troubleshooting issues that come up

Tournament Director
-establish tournament offerings with the DMBA Executive
-apply for all tournament sanctions with Baseball Ontario
-book diamonds-ensure all supplies are ordered or in stock, working with the DMBA Equipment Manager
-develop all tournament website advertisement materials
-monitor tournament registrations with the DMBA Registrar
-develop schedules for all tournaments, seeking approval from Baseball Ontario
-act as Convenor for all tournaments (attendance at full tournament is required)
-communicate with Umpire-in-Chief as required,ensuring umpires are available
-work with local business and community groups to ensure food options are available
 -complete Baseball Ontario Convenor reports
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45060 Thomson Line, Belmont, ON N0L 1B0 519-857-7431 [email protected] FACEBOOK: @mramishcom
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