Mar 23, 2016 | dstratton | 1002 views
2016 Rookie Rep
Hello everyone,My name is Dan Stratton. I am the
coach of the rookie competitive team for this baseball season. I along
with my coaching staff will be running Rep tryouts for the kids born in
2007, 2008 and 2009. We will be fielding a team of 12 kids and it is
sure to be a great season. The plan is to enter 2 tournaments and OBA's.
The locations are to be determined. You will be hearing from
me soon in regards to a time and place of the tryouts. I am hoping to
get this organized by the end of next week. At this point I would just
like to know who is interested, if you could please send me a quick
reply back with your son or daughters name, age, and birth date. Have a great Easter everyone
Coach Dan