Tryout #1, News, Mosquito Select, 2016 (Dorchester Baseball)

This Team is part of the 2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 28, 2016 | Dylan Johnson | 654 views
Tryout #1
The first Mosquito Select tryout will be this Sunday, May 1, in Thorndale on Diamond #3 (the one with the lights) from 12:30 – 2:30.

Please arrive early in order to register. If you have not already notified me, please reply to this email if you intend on attending the tryout and what position(s) you would like to play this year.  This will help with the registration process.

To the tryout, please bring your own: glove, bat, helmet and water bottle.  

In the case of inclement weather, please monitor the web site for alternative plans
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