Dec 20, 2017 | Jim DosSantos | 614 views
2018 Minor PeeWee Team
I want thank all 16 boys who work their hearts out over the last 5 tryouts. I am continually impressed at the athleticism shown by this group of 2006 boys.
As for this years team it was certainly hard to leave any of them off but after talking it over with the other Coaches and Coach Mike from the Major Peewee team who has been out for a couple of our workouts we came to our selection.
The following players will be this year 2018 Minor Peewee Diamondbacks.
Justin Barnes
Jaxson Cragg
Ryker Daniel
Wade Devine
Zachary DosSantos
Terry Kummer Jr.
Colin Langstaff
Tyler Libby
Luke Norton
Matthew Rodenburg
Sam Willsie
Lucas Wilson
*For the boys not on this list please feel free to join our practices through the summer and I will certainly not hesitate to call on any of you if we need a player. I would like to wish you all luck on your up coming season as well.
*Parents, feel free to contact me if you have questions, I will plan to try to talk to each of the boys and give them some constructive feedback in the near future so they can understand where they may have came up short and what they can work on.
Thanks for all your patience and getting the boys to the tryouts so early after school I know it's not easy.
I wish all families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!