Tournament Rules, 2024 12U Rep 'A' Provincial Championship, 2024 (Dorchester Baseball)

This Tournament is part of the 2024 season, which is not set as the current season.
PrintTournament Rules


1.     Tournament Headquarters will be located the Convenor Table at Diamonds 1 and 2.


2.     A team roster must be available in the event player eligibility is questioned. 


3.     Coaches and other team officials are responsible for the conduct of their players, and anyone involved on their team, both on and off the field.



1.     The Ontario Baseball Association 2024 Rep Procedures and Playing Rules shall apply.

2.     All game participants are prohibited from using any tobacco products and must not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

3.     As per RP5.5 The home team will be decided by a coin toss prior to each game with the team from the municipality furthest away from the tournament site calling the toss. All coin tosses will be completed 30 minutes prior to the start of the game.  Coin tosses will take place by a tournament convenor at the game’s assigned diamond.  A member of your coaching staff must arrive at the diamond 30 minutes prior to your scheduled start time to take the coin toss.  At the conclusion of the coin toss, the home team will be designated the official score keeper and the official pitch counter.


4.     Game Changer must be used for all score keeping.  The OBA Pitch Count app must be used (with pitches entered live) for all pitch counting.  As stated above, the home team will be the official scorekeeper and the official pitch counter.

5.     Games will commence promptly on time as per the schedule.

6.     Ejection from any tournament game will result in an automatic one game suspension.  Suspensions may be increased, depending on the severity of the infraction.

7.     As per RP2.2 all games will be 7 complete innings (6 1/2 complete innings if the home team is ahead), or until a winner is declared. There will be no time limit. In the event of a suspended game, OBA RP2.2(b) shall apply for determining an Official Game.

8.     In all OBA games, the following Mercy Rule will apply Ref: OBA RP2.2(h):

a.     18 runs after 3 innings

b.    15 runs after 4 innings

c.     10 runs after 5 innings or any subsequent inning thereafter.